Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 1 of the Death Diet

So last night, Lauren told me she was about to go on this crazy diet-- and i was like okay what is it?

Here it is:

There are three phases to the diet. Phase one takes up most of the time ( about 8-10 wks, or however long it takes you to lose 80% of the weight) and the other phases allow you to add certain forbidden foods back into your life such as bread, fruit and dairy.

Oh.....did i mention i can't have any bread, fruit or dairy?? I didn't? probably because i just passed out from not HAVING any bread, fruit or dairy!! jk But seriously, this diet is intense. it operates around the philosophy that sugar is bad ( and it actually kind of is) and what has sugar in it??? fruit....dairy...oh and bread has carbs which turn INTO sugar. SO....the first phase you cut all that crap out... What DO i eat, you ask?

Breakfast- Coffee or tea, 1 scoop of whey protein in water-- which might i add, i almost threw up after chugging 25 oz oz of this stuff. ew.

Lunch-7 oz of raw of cooked veggies, 2 tbs olive oil....oh and the whey crap again

Snack- W-H-E-Y :(

Dinner- 7 oz of fish or chicken and 7 oz of veggies w/2 tbs olive oil

*and i have to take tons of pills bc i wont be getting the nutrients i need from fruit and dairy

I know what you're thinking......Atkins diet?? starvation??? but actually, this diet has been recommended by dietitians and doctors at Wesley Medical Center where lauren works and she knows a few people who are either on the diet or have lost tons of weight from it and have kept it off for months. So its legit ( 2 legit 2 quit).

So i am going to try it...because i love trying things. I'm still going to work out everyday like i have been--even though it isnt recommended to workout TOO much bc you have ZERO energy-haha.... but hey i'm a rebel.. My goal is to lose around 38 pounds. Lauren thinks that's too much because i'm a muscular build( it IS true...i have alot of muscle) but its just a goal. If i'm happy and 20 pounds then i'll stay there.

Lea Michele-inspiration :)

*Wish me luck*


  1. Wow, I'm proud of you for committing to something this intense. Good luck, I hope it goes well! And that you don't eat your own hand before it's over!

  2. Haha forreal! im assuming this is hannah rice? im following your blog!

  3. Take it a day at a time, girl. We are in this thing together..
