Saturday, October 16, 2010

10 random things about me

1. My alter ego is "Lolita". I came up with the nickname for myself one night my senior year bc i thought it was acute name...well my dad thinks it has a bad connotation bc of the movie and the book. He made me watch the boring 3 hour movie to prove to me how shady it was. A. I fell asleep and B. I didn't even realize she had a relationship w that old guy until he mentioned they did. Old movies don't show bad scenes....they just hint...and i was most likely asleep when they hinted.

2. After i saw The Truman show" i was convinced for years that MY life was a t.v show. i still think it is occasionally.

3. I have an intense fear that i will get married and then find out my husband is gay..

4. I am kind of abusive with boys

5. I have yet to enjoy slow dancing with a guy. here's hoping!

6. I like watching Degrassi ( don't judge me). I love how ridiculously dramatic it is and how somehow every season they continue to surprise me. Yes...they really do "go there"

...and yes, that IS Drake. He made his mark as Jimmy on Degrassi. He's in a wheelchair bc he got shot. yeah i know what you're thinking. I can feel your judgement from here..

7. I have "cat-eye" eyeliner. Some people don't like it, but its the only way i know how to do eyeliner, and i like it :)

8. I have a major attraction to ethnic guys, mainly indians. hehe.

Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire

Sav from Degrassi

Sayid from LOST

9. I watch people eat( i don't even notice i'm doing it) and i decide if they eat properly or not.

10. When i was little i would pray to God and tell him i was going to kiss him with red lipstick...bc in my 5 year old mind, this truly was what real love was.

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