Friday, January 14, 2011

Lies i tell..

1. I am a boy. Yes i tell people this. I have been trying lately, however, to tell people my name is Lindsay instead. Seems to be a crowd pleaser. I don't know where this one came from, since i am indeed a girl. But i like to see the look on people's faces when i say it i guess.

2. I have multiple personalities. This is a new one. I decided that i should name my "moods". When i am around different people and when i'm wearing certain clothes and/or mood changes a bit. I don't ACTUALLY have different personalities but i joke about it with my friends and luckily they find it humorous and not weird. My personalities names are Lo, Lola, Lolita and Fiona. I personally find this to be an annoying quirk of mine. Who NAMES their personalities?? weirdo(s). But it really comes in handy when im in trouble. I just blame one of my personalities.

3. I am from the future. Whenever my friends are having a bad day i just pull this one right out of the hat. Ex: " Everything is gonna be from the future and i know it". No one ever questions it.

4. I like to watch you sleep. I tell this one to guys only. It started one day with a guy i worked with who kept annoying me so i thought i would freak him out by telling him i watched him sleep the night before. He laughed and walked away....but for some reason THAT didn't scare him off entirely so i had to add something new each time like " you looked so cute....i even counted your heartbeats".....still...he just thought it was hilarious. People are weird.

These are the main four lies i tell people for shock value. And now seeing it in writing, i feel like i've said too much on the post.haha...oh well hopefully you know that i am a kidder. 90% of what i say is a joke 67% of the time.

I think i say bizarre things to test people. If someone still wants to get to know me after i tell them i'm a boy who has multiple personalities,is from the future and stalks people while they sleep....then they're a keeper. So consider this a test. If you still think you want to know what im about then i say we should be friends ;)

1 comment:

  1. You left out Penny...or have you outgrown her to the more mature personalities like Lola...Love you! ;)
