Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Impossible Nap

Today, like many days was the perfect day for a nap. My stomach was full ( that sounds gross sorry ), my eyelids were heavy from staying up the night before and it Sunday is the day of i right?

WELL apparently some people do not care about this day of napping, namely my family.

You see, i am a LIGHT sleeper and i even suffer from insomnia at times. It takes specific conditions for me to accomplish something as seemingly simple as a nap. Today was no different. I was interrupted multiple times....i think i even walked into the living room in a zombie like fashion and stared at my dad and held my finger to my mouth as if to say "Shhh" but never did the actual sound come from my lips. Here are the necessities of a legit nap. The impossible nap.

Things i need:


I wear an eye mask which pretty much does it, but i can't sleep without it or else i will melt. Light is my kryptonite. I kind of hate the sun to be honest.

2. No outside sounds

This includes people talking, the radio, t.v, dogs barking, lawn mowers. vacuum cleaners( the sound of a vacuum cleaner literally brings tears to my scarred) and any other sound that is loud enough for the Lindsay ear to hear. I'm very sensitive to noise...even when im awake. I think this has to do with all the ear infections i got as a kid. I had major issues and basically have the hearing of a dog. I can always hear my parents telling secrets. Mostly because i can hear my mom's whispers and like Gretel, i too follow the breadcrumbs which lead me to the obvious.

3. No pants

Pants get in the way of freedom, in my opinion. The friction between the cotton-y pants and my comforter/blankets is unpleasant. Plus i get hot all the time and pants just make me more likely to wake up from the uncomfortable amount of warmth....which leads me to...

4. MUST have a fan on

Fans create a natural-like wind which hits my face like a bucket of chilled marshmallows. Well...maybe not that but let's just say it feels nice.

5.I need a sound machine

Preferably ocean waves crashing. I got one for Christmas and i love it because it drowns out about 43% of the outside noise i hear outside my room.

About that..

My dad has a low, loud voice. My mom has a high pitched, loud voice. They can't help it. You can hear them in Egypt.
Then there's our t.v which is always on the highest volume when my dad watches it because he is basically deaf in one ear
( unlike his diva nap daughter). I tell them i'm taking a nap but that means nothing...

What it does mean:

1. It's okay to talk as loud as you want

2. It's okay to come in my room and ask me "Are these your socks"

3.It's okay to put my cat in my room and leave the door cracked so i can hear both my cats annoying meows and the death sounds from the living room

4.It's okay to yell "Lindsay!!" until i wake up ( which takes 00.5 seconds) and ask me another question.

I have learned two things from my nap ( or lack-there-of) experiences

1. I am a complete diva when it comes to naps but essentially i just ask that people are considerate, because i always try to be quiet when others are napping.

2. God is sanctifying me. Living with people---especially your family can be tough at times because you expect so much from them. I expect them to go " Lindsay is taking a nap....i am going to turn down the volume on the t.v, not vacuum and not bust up in her room".....but the truth is, the world does not revolve around me. yep, there are two sides to the coin, people.

Weirdly, i am not a diva at night when i go to sleep...but maybe that's because my parents go to bed before me...hmmm

I envy her napping ability.

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