Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 25 of diet

Hmmmm, the weight loss has slowed down a bit. I only lost 2 pounds last week. But you know, usually when you lose 15 pounds, your body slows down the process. I decided to make some changes. You see, last week i discovered this little thing called "coffee" and im allowed to have it but i put splenda in it and apparently splenda has a few carbs. Not a huge deal, but every bit counts and theres already 7 carbs in all from whey, and 3 carbs in the veggies im allowed. So really the limit needs to stay at 13 carbs a day, but i've been having 16....

and yeah maybe i'm overreacting but at this point, im gonna try to adjust and just drink plain green tea this week and see if anything changes bc i've been working out everyday. I mean, i have to expect that i'm gaining some muscle mass bc the whey protein, working out AND the fact that i build muscle really easily.. I mean i can definitely see changes everyday but for some reason i'm a bit consumed by the number on the scale.

I just have a deadline....Dec.11 the diet is completely 100% over. So i gotta make every day count. No slip ups. I mean i haven't thus far, but it could happen if i was having a bad day---which come to think of it, i've been having a not so great week due to stress in school and the slowing down of the weight loss. Oh and lets not forget that theres chocolate everywhere...haha Whenever i get upset and want to go to food, i just pop a piece of gum in my mouth or drink crystal lite. No carbs/sugar---still tasty.

Well, we shall see how this week goes. I'll tell you Tuesday how many pounds i lost. I'm aiming for 2.5-3 pounds a week. let's hope that happens. Til then, i'll be working out longer and harder and resisting splenda. yeah...thats my diet....resisting a zero calorie sweetner.haha It'll be all worth it soon :)


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