Monday, August 30, 2010

Daisy, give yourself away.

Today's DIY is a daisy chain! If you know me, you know that i adore wearing flowers in my hair. Who doesn't love flowers?
So here's a simple way to create a 70's style daisy chain to be worn on your head :)

*You'll need an assortment of bright flowers, lace, scissors and a sharp knife. Enjoy!

Pick out the flowers of your choice.

Cut off all the leaves.

Cut slits through the stem of the flower so later you can intertwine all of the flowers

Now weave the lace or whatever material you have through the flowers

Now you have a lovely daisy chain to wear to class or to a party! Fake flowers can be used as well, but real ones gives it a more natural vibe :)

Hope you had a lovely day :)

1 comment:

  1. great project and LOVE zinnias too! they are one of my favorites!

    thanks for sharing!

